
PPV - your secret source to endless traffic

I Never Thought I Could Make $100,000++ from Affiliate Marketing in a Year

But I Finally Discovered The Secret! Here's How...

One of my students' results of making money DAILY from PPV...
​Dear Friend,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bank, the affiliate marketer from Thailand. Chances are you haven't heard of me. But after you finish reading this, you'll be glad you finally did.
I've been making money from the affiliate marketing since 2008. It was hard for me when I started, because I was just an undergrad student on a tight budget. The first dollar I made from Internet marketing was from the Google AdSense. I created many micro-sites and earned lots of bucks from them.
Anyway, as you guys know, Google has made many animals such as Panda and Penguin to destroy the ranking of our little niche sites. My earnings vanished in just few nights. So I began to find other ways to make money, but ones that didn’t rely on the Google Algorithm.
"Paid Traffic is what I’ve been looking for. I tried many traffic sources  such as PPC and Mobile. But I finally fell in love with PPV."
If you don't know what PPV is, it's basically the popup traffic. You can show your offers or products on ANY websites you want – even the Amazon website, for just few cents. In my opinion, it's the easiest paid traffic source for making money.
Over the past two years, I've spent over $200,000 and more than 3,000 hours of my life on PPV methods. I lost more than $3,000 when I started because I didn't know how to track my campaigns. I sent the traffic to the offer without knowing how to cut my losses and scale up. It was a newbie mistake. Anyway, after hours of trials and error, I finally made PPV my only income stream.
In affiliate marketing, most of the campaigns are going to fail. But when you know how to do it the right way and make a few campaigns work, they can cover all your costs and return a nice profit. I’ve had more than 1,000 campaigns in my tracking software, and the number keeps rising. Many of them fail, but some of them have been making money for me many months.
It’s just like the Pareto principle – 80% of an affiliate’s earnings come from the 20% of campaigns that are profitable. Thanks to these profitable campaigns, I can get out of my office and explore the world.
After reading and responding to almost a hundred of PPV 'wantrepreneurs' (want to be entrepreneurs), I've been surprised at how they do Internet marketing.
  • They don't know how to track their campaigns.
  • Some of them have spent more than $300, but don't know anything about the data they have.
  • They’re scared to spend money to get the data.
  • Many of them want to be profitable on the first day of their campaign...
I have answered their many questions, but I now realize that they are missing the blueprint.
Anyway, this blueprint won't get you the Mercedes-Benz or make millions in a few nights. Although I travel often, I always stay in the low-cost hostels and take taxis.
I'll show you exactly how to create your first PPV campaign, set up the tracking software, find offers and keywords, cut losses and optimize your campaigns, and much more...

Introducing: The PPV Profit System

The PPV Profit System is a video training course that will teach you all the steps to make money from PPV. I won't say you’ll make $10,000 a month just by taking this course. But eventually you’ll earn more than that.
​MANY of my students are making money from PPV....
You need to understand the fundamentals of being an affiliate. You need to learn the process of PPV, how to use the setup software, how to cut your losses and scale up to make more profit. And much more. Doing all this requires a lot of time, money and energy. I'll say it right now: it's impossible to profit from your first campaign.
But are you ready to seriously learn PPV marketing? It took me five months of hard learning to understand PPV. I lost lots of money to discover how it works and comprehend the process of making profit from this fantastic traffic source.
Luckily for you, you can skip the newbie's mistakes I made and save a LOT of money.​
So let’s see what inside the PPV Profit System. We’ll take it month by month.


In this video, I'll describe this course and tell you what you can and can't expect from it. It's about changing the mindset before you actually start doing affiliate marketing.
CPA & PPV Overview
Many of you might have no idea what CPA and PPV are. No worries! This video explains the concept of CPA marketing and how PPV traffic works, from the ground up.
My Personal Method for Selecting Winning Offers
After you understand the concept of CPA and PPV, the next thing I'll describe is how to select offers that you can make real money from. This includes a lesson on how to use existing marketing tools to help you do research.
Target Selection Strategy
In this video, I'll show you my strategy for selecting good targets. People ask me about this all the time. Most of them don't know how to select good keywords. I'll reveal everything I have done for a long time to select the ones that work.
Make Easy Money With the Direct-Linking Method
You think direct linking is dead? No, it's not! If you use the spy tool, you’ll see that many people still make money from this method. You just need to how to do it right. It's still a potential gold mine. You can use it to make big money.
How I Quickly Find Good Targets Using This Powerful Tool
I often find targets manually, but a few months ago I discovered an awesome tool to help me do it. The technique is very fresh, and I'll reveal it in this video.
How To Set Up A Direct Linking Campaign in Prosper202 and CPVLab
Another problem I hear from my readers is that they don't have the technical knowledge to set up a campaign in tracking software. That’s why I recorded this video, which shows you how to do this, step by step. It’s easy to follow.
How to Create A Campaign in PPV Traffic Sources
Not only will you learn how to set up your campaign in tracking software, but you’ll also learn how to set up the campaign using the major PPV traffic sources. These include TrafficVance, 50onRed, and LeadImpact. Just follow the steps I describe in this video to create your campaign easily.


Review: How I Make a Direct Link Campaign From Start To Finish
I'll show you ALL the steps required to create a direct-link campaign from start to finish. After watching this video, you’ll be able to create your first campaign without missing anything.
How To Update SubID using Prosper202 and CPVLab
This short video teaches you how to update the Sub ID in the tracking software. This lets you know which targets you’re profiting from, and which ones are losers.
My Personal Method for Cutting Losses – The Bad Targets
After your campaign has run for a while and you’ve collected some data, it's time to weed out the bad targets. In this video, I'll reveal my personal method for getting rid of the non-performing keywords.
How To Scale Up Your Campaign To Make More $$$$$
You need to know how to cut your losses, but you need to know how to scale up a campaign to make more bucks. I'll show you the approaches I always use to increase profit in my campaigns.
Find A Better Offer By Split Testing
Split testing is one of the most important things to do to find the best offers suit your traffic. I don't understand why many people skip this step. I'll show you how to do it efficiently and easily.
How To Set Up A Split Testing Campaign On Prosper202 and CPVLab
Once you know how to do split testing, the next thing I'll show you is how to set it up in your tracking software. Most people know the theory, but they don't actually know how to do it in real life. This video will show you all steps. You’ll be a split testing pro in no time.
Make More Stable Campaigns Using The Landing Page
Although the direct link method works, it's not as good as using a landing page. I'll show you why you need a landing page and how to make it work.


Cut Loss Strategy For The Landing Page Campaign
The way to cut losses from bad targets in a landing page campaign differs from what you do in a direct link campaign. There’s another factor – the landing page, which is a bit confusing if you don't know how to do it the right way. In this video, I'll reveal my personal strategy for cutting losses in a landing page campaign.
Scale Up The Landing Page Campaign To Make More Money
Scaling up a landing page campaign is also different from a direct link campaign. There are more ways to make bucks if we use a landing page. I'll show you how to do it in this video.
How To Create A Landing Page Using This Awesome Tool
Don't know how to write HTML code to create a landing page? No problem! I have a tool for you that allows you to create a landing page easily. With this tool, you can create a landing page without knowing a line of code (except the tracking code)!
My Personal Strategy To Split Test The Landing Page
Split testing is always important. It’s the most powerful way to make more profit from a campaign. I'll show you the right way to split-test your landing pages. How To Set Up a Landing Page Campaign using Prosper202 and CPVLab This video will teach you how to set up a campaign in your tracking software. Many people are confused about the landing page code in the tracking software. No worries! I'll show you everything you need to know, from A to Z.
How To Set Up a Landing-Page Split Testing Campaign using Prosper202 and CPVLab
Setting up a landing-page split-testing campaign is a bit different from setting up a single landing page. I'll show you how to do this, too.
How To Spy on Other Campaigns And Make Them Yours
PPV traffic is quite transparent, because there is a powerful spy tool that allows you to explore other people's campaigns easily. Many people have this tool, but they don't know how to use it effectively. I'll show you how to steal – I mean, borrow – knowledge from the the high-performing campaigns.
And More...
*To prevent information overload, I’ve decided to send the weekly videos for three months, so you can digest the information slowly (1-3 videos per week). Anyway, there is also an option for experienced affiliates to unlock all contents.
This breakthrough product will help you achieve your goal much faster than you could imagine...
I have spent lots of time learning and making money from PPV. It took me many months and a lot of failure to put all these lessons together. As I told you, I lost more than $3,000 when I first started testing my campaigns.
It’s better to avoid newbie's mistakes and save lots of money!

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Your charge will be $47 a month for 3 months.
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$97 one time

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Instant Access – Even at 2 am
Here’s a testimonial from one of my students in this class, Petre Veluda…
Petre VeludaAffiliate Marketer

Bank put together a wonderful course on PPV. It takes you from start to finish when it comes to building a PPV with very easy to understand an follow videos.
You should know from the start that this course is not going to make you money right away. It takes time, perseverance and ALWAYS a Testing Budget to make things work.
What this course will do is help you avoid a lot of mistakes that will cost you eventually more than what you need to pay to get Bank’s lessons. It will fast forward you to better campaigns and shorten your road to profitable days.
It’s not easy and it won’t happen overnight but in an industry where there are no particular guidelines and everything changes that fast, Bank managed to put together some valuable lessons on PPV fundamentals that will help not only the ones starting out but also the ones looking to improve their techniques or take their game to the next level with a cleaner approach.
Take it step by step. Once you understand how a DL camp works, watch the videos on Direct Linking again and again, put into practice everything your learning, develop your own system and then repeat until you find campaigns that work.
That’s why I keep saying is not easy. It takes time, perseverance and the ability to train your mind to understand why a campaign is a loser and why is a winner and to move on emotionless.
For the value you are getting is a small price to pay. You already need a $1000-$1500/month testing budget and that’s only for traffic, so instead of losing $xxx testing stuff you could of avoid, just make the investment and use the money to run traffic smarter and more prepared.
This student just got his first cheque from Neverblue after using my method...
If you sign up for the PPV Profit System today, you’ll also get these 5 bonuses for free:

Bonus #1: Beginners Guide To PPV eBook

In my 35-page "Beginners Guide To PPV", you’ll discover everything you need to know about this lucrative traffic source. If you have no idea about PPV, this eBook can help you a lot.

Bonus #2: PPV Game Killer

Games are fun. Earning money from them is even MORE fun! Games are one of the top- performing niches for PPV traffic. This eBook will reveal how to make money from game offers step by step.

Bonus #3: Landing Page Case Studies & Guidelines

This eBook contains the psychology behind PROVEN landing pages. You will understand the why the best landing pages perform well. These landing pages have been used by me personally to make money.

Bonus #4: 27 PROVEN Landing Pages

I'll give you my PROVEN landing page for FREE. These are the landers across many different HOT CPA niches. No need for an expensive graphic designer! No more waiting for days, if not WEEKS, for them to finish. You can use these pages in any markets.

Bonus #5: Chance to Apply The Coaching Program For The Early-Bird Price

Many people have asked me to offer a coaching program, but I'm still thinking about it. I don't have much time to teach anyone personally, because there are a lot of places I want to travel to. But I'll open the coaching program to a very limited number of seats, and the people who attend this course early will know about it first. Yes, with a CHEAPER price.
How well is your Internet marketing business doing? Not so good?
Remember – if you continue to do things the same way, you’re going to keep getting the same results. The same rule applies to affiliate marketing.

$47 per month

Your charge will be $47 a month for 3 months.
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$97 one time

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Instant Access – Even at 2 am
Please note that the videos have been updated inside the training area. Once your registration is approved, you can start learning right away. But move fast – the course won’t stay at this low price for long!
Your truly,
P.S. You could attempt to learn this by trial and error on your own, but I assure you it will be a MUCH more costly "education" than the one I'm offering you today for a very reasonable price. It cost me years of frustration, bad trades, and huge financial losses before I figured out the "secret" system. I've watched too many smart yet "uneducated" people lose their shirts in the CPA market, and I don't want to see that happen to you.

Our 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee

GUARANTEE: "If the PPV Profit System is not everything that we say it is and you are not completely satisfied with it, then we will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked. This is more than a guarantee – it’s a promise. Your money back, no questions asked."
"I’m taking all of the risks to make sure that you can be wildly successful. It’s really as simple as that." - Bank
P.P.S. Keep in mind that if you’re not happy with this course and you don’t get the results you wanted, I will fully refund you through my 60-day money-back guarantee. Simply send an email if you’re not happy with the results. You’ll get a refund, without a hassle.

$47 / month

Your charge will be $47 a month for 3 months.
Instant Access – Even at 2 am

$97 one time

Your charge will be one time only - Unlock all content
Instant Access – Even at 2 am
Some quick Q and A:

I have never done internet marketing before. Is this course suitable for me?

No worries. The PPV Profit System covers all the basic knowledge you need to know, including core concepts and technical knowledge (like how to use tracking software). You can follow the steps in the videos easily.

How much money do I need to start?

I recommend you have at least $1,100 to start. That’s $1,000 for advertising costs ($500 is the minimum deposit for the 50onRed, but I recommend that you use TrafficVance.) The $100 is for the VPS and proxy.

I'm an experienced internet marketer. Is this too basic for me?

This PPV Profit System is step-by-step, but it also includes the mathematical formulas I always use with my campaigns. All of the lessons come from what I’ve learned during my intensive PPV experience over two years.

Can I follow your steps and make $10,000 a month quickly?

I can't guarantee this. What’s inside this course is the exact same system I use for my campaigns. It's a framework you can follow, but there’s no offer or any target included. You have to use the system and create the profitable campaigns by yourself.

$47 / month

Your charge will be $47 a month for 3 months.
Instant Access – Even at 2 am

$97 one time

Your charge will be one time only - Unlock all content
Instant Access – Even at 2 am
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